
GAYKEITH Chat n Chatter

GAYKEITH is the outrageous short film written & directed by Leslie Hope based on the true story by Scott Edgecombe. SCOTT’s been living the LA loser life: no job, no girlfriend, a lot of cereal & too much internet porn. On a particularly lonely Christmas Eve, SCOTT decides the answer to all his problems may lie in North Hollywood - his name is KEITH and he’s willing to wear pantyhose if SCOTT comes over

He'sYou'reEveryone'sa little curious

"I'm gonna blow my head off ..."
"...Today I am in snowy Toronto awaiting a phone-call interview to work as a bartender at Boston Pizza about 2 hours away from my home by bus…I don’t own a car anymore. In the last two weeks I have had 9 auditions and zero bookings.

This year's Oscar nominations were just announced. I’m gonna need a haircut if I want this bar-tending job, which I don’t.
"GK Screened at the LA Comedy Fest"
"...GK screened at the LA Comedy Fest this past weekend. Whenever GK screens it’s a reminder of how delusional am. I keep thinking (hoping) that I’m going to get a call from Will Ferrell or Kevin Smith or Quentin Tarentino the day after a screening telling me that I’m exactly what they’ve been looking for and I need to fly to LA for “meetings” so that I can be wined, dined, and paid!
"GAYKEITH Premiered"
"..GAYKEITH premiered this week at the Downtown Film Festival of Los Angeles to a sold out crowd of 400.  About 20 people from the cast and crew of GK were in attendance. I had a few drinks in my honour from my reclining chair back home in east Toronto.  It was a bitter sweet night as GAYKEITH made its world debut and I searched Craigslist for part-time work…